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Appearances: CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange – Talks of a U.S. Economic Recession are Exaggerated

Earlier today, Andy joined CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange to discuss the ongoing worries of a recession and the overall state of the U.S. economy. Despite hyperbolic fears, Andy argued that the underlying fundamentals of the U.S. economy remain strong and our country is not facing an impending recession.

Also discussed was the state of global markets, to which Andy said there is some cause for concern. However, he went on to explain that, “Our economy remains the strongest in the world… It would be better if the global economy was doing better… but we’re fine, we’re not seeing signs of a recession.”

Lastly, Andy was asked about Trump’s most recent dispute with the Ford and General Motors executive teams about their emissions deal with California, to which Andy briefly concluded, “People that support his [Trump’s] policies, he’ll support. People that don’t, he’ll call out and explain why he disagrees with them.”

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