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Appearances: The Evening Edit – Despite a Surge in the Virus, The Economy Continues to Recover

Today, Andy connected with David Asman on The Evening Edit to chat about whether or not the U.S. can show economic improvement during the pandemic as so many other countries across the globe have. When David asked if the U.S. can recover, Andy said that we can and are doing so. “All of the economic news from May and from June has been spectacular… The news we have so far for July has been very positive. President Trump is doing a great job of getting the economy [to] reopen. I think the problem is that there are governors from the blue states…there are mayors from the blue cities that don’t want the economy to reopen,” said Andy. He then went on to point out the hypocrisy of blue state officials closing down businesses once again and prohibiting firework shows and family functions for Independence Day while still allowing and encouraging large protests and gatherings amid the coronavirus surge.

Next, David countered from the opposing perspective for the sake of argument that liberals would disagree, saying that the president is reopening the country too soon and putting people at risk in order to strengthen the economy in time for the election. “Yesterday there were 271 deaths [in America]. Now any amount of deaths is too many- 271 is 271 too many, but we were looking at over 2,000 deaths a day in April. The death rate has not gone up, even with the surge in the virus,” Andy argued.

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“If you look at restaurants or drive around your city, you’re going to see people just aren’t paying attention to the protocols. I think they should- I wear a mask when I go out, I socially distance- but people are ignoring them [protocols] and I think the reason is because there’s been so many lies about how severe this pandemic or virus is that they’re not believing now when they see that even though cases are going up, deaths are none the less, staying down,” continued Andy.

Finally, the two discussed the violence in the streets, with David asking Andy how businesses can reopen if they can’t depend on police departments right now to protect them. “You can’t. This is horrific for businesses, particularly in minority communities… Capitalism and free enterprise depend on law and order and if you don’t have at least minimal law and order, you can’t run a business,” Andy concluded.

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