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Op-Ed: Watch Trump Reverse Biden's Dumpster-Fire Economy, And Then Watch Dems Try To Take Credit For The Success

This article was authored by Andy Puzder for on December 6, 2024

When Trump brings the economy back from the brink, Biden and his Democrat allies will deserve no credit

Democrats have no equals when it comes to taking undeserved credit and evading well-deserved blame. Consider a recent Time article titled "Don’t Give Trump Credit for the success of the Biden Economy." Of course, no one, including President-elect Trump, wants credit for Biden’s dumpster fire economy. That debacle just cost the Democrats an election.  


So, what is Time’s piece all about? Well, it is part of an effort to position Democrats to take credit for what even they see as Trump’s coming economic turnaround.  


It’s not the first time Democrats have tried to take credit for Trump’s economic success.  


Recall that in 2017, Trump inherited a stagnant economy mired in big government muck. He immediately cut taxes, slashed regulations and encouraged domestic energy production. Freed from eight years of President Obama’s oppressive policies, business optimism soared and the economy boomed.


In three years, America’s economy went from stagnating to thriving precisely because Trump reversed virtually every one of Obama’s stifling big government policies and adopted energizing free market policies. Obama nonetheless attempted to claim credit for that success.  


NBC News, among other legacy media sources, predictably ran a piece supporting this notion claiming that "Trump didn’t build a great economy he inherited it."  


So, here we go again.  

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