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Our nation faces serious challenges & only a candidate who is optimistic about her future &#038

To read a recent Real Clear Politics op-ed I wrote regarding next year’s presidential election, please click on this link:  As usual, you can read on for additional context.

If you’re like me, you’re closely following the Republican presidential contest and the diverse group of candidates. The race for next year’s top job is a fascinating one and should make us feel proud that every four years, Americans vote for someone they believe will lead the nation in the right direction and we then have a peaceful transfer of power.

Today, though, we face many international and domestic challenges and Americans feel like we’re headed in the wrong direction.  Perhaps this is why you hear many talk about “buyer’s remorse” when they refer to our most recent presidential elections. To ensure we elect the best candidate next year, we must understand who the candidates are and what they bring to the table.

This is the moment for Republicans to offer optimistic policies for getting the country back on track, not for dividing the electorate with political rhetoric. All Americans must remember that, as a people and as a nation, we are at our best when we champion life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. The next president of the United States of America should remind us about that and present a unifying vision so our country can move forward.

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