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Panel Appearance: Mornings with Maria

Yesterday, Andy joined Mornings with Maria as a three hour show panelist with host Maria Bartiromo, Fox Business correspondent Dagen McDowell and Executive VP of The King’s College Brian Brenberg to discuss a variety of topics including the 2020 election, the economy, Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax proposal, the announcement of NYPD commissioner James O’Neill stepping down, and much more.

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A highlight of the appearance includes Andy speaking about Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax proposal. When the conversation on Warren and Sander’s policies turned to Andy, he argued, “The purpose of taxes are to increase revenue. This wealth tax, these other taxes- they drive down GDP. They don’t work. They drive wealth out of the country. They’re impossible to enforce- they’re intended to punish people that have been successful. What we really need are taxes that increase revenue…to even talk about [social programs] you have to talk about paying for them and they [Warren] can’t.”

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